
Items will be secured after your order is complete.
Please note that items in the cart are not reserved.
*Order completion will be notified by order completion e-mail.

*Notes regarding shipping*
(1) Please be sure to write your address and name in English.
(2) Please be careful not to make any mistakes in your zip code or address on the purchase screen.
Delivery may be delayed significantly.

<About shipping to Indonesia>
You will need a 15-digit "Taxpayer Registration Number (NPWP)" assigned to residents by the Indonesian Tax Department.
When ordering, be sure to also enter your "Taxpayer Registration Number (NPWP)" in the name field.

*Privacy Policy (Please read carefully)

小计: ¥0

*Notes regarding shipping*

(1) Please be sure to write your address and name in English.
(2) Please be careful not to make any mistakes in your zip code or address on the purchase screen.
Delivery may be delayed significantly.

<About shipping to Indonesia>
You will need a 15-digit "Taxpayer Registration Number (NPWP)" assigned to residents by the Indonesian Tax Department.
When ordering, be sure to also enter your "Taxpayer Registration Number (NPWP)" in the name field.