Privacy policy

Protection policy regarding the handling of personal information and specific personal information, etc.

Might plus Co., Ltd. implements the following measures for the purpose of protecting personal information.
- Regarding the handling of personal information, we will comply with related laws and other norms.
- When obtaining personal information, we will do so by lawful and fair means, not by illegal means, and will notify and publicize the purpose of use to the person who is the subject of the personal information. In addition, if it becomes necessary to use the information beyond the scope of the stated purpose of use, we will inform you of the new purpose of use and obtain your consent before using the information.
・We will take appropriate measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, etc. of personal information.
・When outsourcing the processing of personal information, we will conclude the necessary contract and provide appropriate supervision.
・We will respond appropriately to requests for disclosure, correction, suspension of use, deletion, etc. of personal information from individuals who are the subject of personal information, after confirming the identity of the individual. .
・Except in the following cases, personal information (excluding specific personal information based on the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify Specific Individuals in Administrative Procedures ("My Number Act")) will not be provided to any third party. We will not disclose it.
(1) When there is the consent of the individual
(2) When based on the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information"
(3) When the information is disclosed in a state where the individual cannot be identified (statistical data, etc.)
(4) Judicial or administrative
We will continually review and improve our efforts to protect personal information when we are ordered to disclose or submit information based on laws and regulations by institutions, etc.


Regarding the handling of specific personal information, etc.
Might plus Co., Ltd. complies with the My Number Act and other related laws and regulations when handling specific personal information and individual numbers ("specific personal information, etc.").
In addition, we will separately establish and manage handling regulations regarding safety management measures for specific personal information, etc.


Regarding inquiries regarding personal information
Might plus Co., Ltd.